Trauma/Burn Scar
The trauma or burn which caused the scar may mean they took a longer time to heal – this can result in more scar tissue being made whilst it is healing and leaves a thicker, problematic scar.
Post Surgical Scar
They can affect all areas of the body but certain anatomical areas are more prone to this; scars on the chest/breasts, over joints and the neck/jaw area are commonly affected.
Keloid Scar
The trauma which caused them can be very minor, such as spots, insect bites or scratches, yet they can grow larger than the initial wound.
Acne Scars
These scars can be seen on the skin after severe episodes of acne, often cystic in nature, which may or may not have received dermatological treatment with retinoid medications.
Scar Tightness
These scars can appear as a thick tight line or sheet, causing a pull on the surrounding skin or making it indent or pucker.
Linear Scar Lines
These scars can be thin or thick, paler or darker than the surrounding skin and can be flat or thick, red and lumpy.
Stretched Scars
These scars are often post-surgical or traumatic scars which have stretched over time leaving a wide scar.
Indented Scars
These scars are often paler than the surrounding skin and appear to have a ‘dent’ or ‘hole’ in the skin.
Pigment Problem Scar
These scars are usually flat but a different colour to the surrounding skin, which can make them stand out as browner or whiter.
Textured Scars
These scars are often caused by trauma or burns and can be the result of a skin graft procedure.
They can be difficult to treat and can be on any area of the body.